As we grow, we do so in fits and starts, lurching forward then back, sometimes looking more like clowns than seekers. Learn to keep the progress you make.

self help, seekers, realization, success, happiness

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As we grow, we do so in fits and starts, lurching forward then back, sometimes looking more like clowns than seekers.

Winston Churchill wrote: "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on as though nothing has happened."

We humans, in searching for success and happiness, have several great loves. One is the love of discovering new things. New places... new people... new ideas... they fascinate us.

We also love finding new ways to solve problems. If we've been suffering the indignities and inconveniences of a long-standing problem, we have an unquenchable urge to find what's causing the discomfort and fix it.

Unfortunately, an equally strong drive within our psyche is the compulsion to keep things from changing.

We love variety and change, but we also love predictability. When things start shifting in our world, we get uncomfortable; uncertain; unsure what to do next.

So with our left foot we strike out to seek change, while at the same time our right foot drags along behind us, trying with all its might to remain planted in one spot.

Often, as Churchill points out, we unquestioningly follow that urge to maintain status quo. Why? Well, it's the same reason we continue to do anything automatically -- habit.

Then how do we break the grip of habit? How do we escape the gravity well of inertia?

It's the same way we change any habit.

First step: become acutely aware of what we're doing. No habit can operate properly when we draw back the curtains of inattention.

Have you had a realization about yourself or the way you live your life? Maybe you don't want to let it drift away and become lost to you, the same way countless realizations have done before.

Then make a big production of it. Fasten your attention on it. Roll it around in your mind, play with it and explore the implications.

Don't let old habits rob you of the treasure you've found.

And that's exactly how you can stop yourself from stumbling over a truth and then continuing on as though it never happened.

Law & Order is centered around the officials who make the New York City criminal justice system function, or as the series tagline states, where "the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups - the police who investigate crime, and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders". Each episode is composed of half police/detective drama and half courtroom/attorney drama. It's a novel concept that takes the traditional public justice dramatic series...

law and order season 3 dvd review

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Law & Order is centered around the officials who make the New York City criminal justice system function, or as the series tagline states, where "the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups - the police who investigate crime, and the district attorneys who prosecute the offenders". Each episode is composed of half police/detective drama and half courtroom/attorney drama. It's a novel concept that takes the traditional public justice dramatic series to the next logical step. Since the inception of Law & Order, such drama series have become more involved in their plotlines, providing viewers with a continuation of the traditional police drama. The Law & Order has constantly transformed over the years with only a few characters experienced longstanding roles. In the face of such high turnover, it's a testament to the show's longevity that it continues to the thrive...

The Law & Order (Season 3) DVD features a number of dramatic episodes including the season premiere "Skin Deep" in which the murder of a sleazy photographer is the main subject of investigation. But as the investigation proceeds, it seems more and more likely that the prime suspects are the models he often photographed… Other notable episodes from Season 3 include "Self Defense" in which the prosecution is divided when a store owner shoots two robbers and claims self-defense as justification, and "Conduct Unbecoming" in which the NYPD is forced to investigate on the closed turf of the Navy in order to solve the death of a female Naval officer during a party at a Manhattan hotel…

Below is a list of episodes included on the Law & Order (Season 3) DVD:

Episode 45 (Skin Deep) Air Date: 09-23-1992
Episode 46 (Conspiracy) Air Date: 09-30-1992
Episode 47 (Forgiveness) Air Date: 10-07-1992
Episode 48 (The Corporate Veil) Air Date: 10-14-1992
Episode 49 (Wedded Bliss) Air Date: 10-21-1992
Episode 50 (Helpless) Air Date: 11-04-1992
Episode 51 (Self Defense) Air Date: 11-11-1992
Episode 52 (Prince of Darkness) Air Date: 11-18-1992
Episode 53 (Point of View) Air Date: 11-25-1992
Episode 54 (Consultation) Air Date: 12-09-1992
Episode 55 (Extended Family) Air Date: 01-06-1993
Episode 56 (Right to Counsel) Air Date: 01-13-1993
Episode 57 (Night and Fog) Air Date: 02-03-1993
Episode 58 (Promises to Keep) Air Date: 02-10-1993
Episode 59 (Mother Love) Air Date: 02-24-1993
Episode 60 (Jurisdiction) Air Date: 03-03-1993
Episode 61 (Conduct Unbecoming) Air Date: 03-10-1993
Episode 62 (Animal Instinct) Air Date: 03-17-1993
Episode 63 (Virus) Air Date: 04-21-1993
Episode 64 (Securitate) Air Date: 05-05-1993
Episode 65 (Manhood) Air Date: 05-12-1993
Episode 66 (Benevolence) Air Date: 05-19-1993

What do you like to do on family holidays? Go to the beach or spend a week in the country? Maybe you like camping or visiting relatives. Whatever you enjoy, family holidays are a chance for everyone in the family to get reacquainted and spend quality time together. It's a chance for parents to really talk with their teens and find out what's going on in their lives. It's important to keep the communication lines open, and a family holiday is a good time to do that. Having a good relationship with their parents is one of the most important factors in keeping teens out of trouble.

Studies have shown that when families take holidays together, they are more likely to eat together and are less likely to argue. They do not watch as much television because they are involved in doing things together. Kids even report that their parents seem to act differently while on holiday.

While family holidays are a good time to connect with your kids, communication problems that are already there will not automatically disappear. Especially with teenagers it is important to listen and be flexible. Find out what the kids would like to do and eat and plan accordingly. While even teenagers need boundaries, it is important for parents to try to avoid needless confrontation. Explain why you make the decisions you do and show them positive attention.

Kids will appreciate being included in travel plans. There's a good chance they will choose a theme park or the beach if those are among the options. Sometimes it works well for a teenager to take a special friend along on family holidays. While this might increase the parents' load, the teen is likely to really appreciate it. Also, sometimes it works well for kids to go on holidays with their grandparents instead of their parents. Sometimes there is a special relationship here that can help kids open up and communicate about their concerns.

While on family holidays, if teens are uncooperative or behave improperly, try to deal with the problem in private. Teens are very aware of embarrassmant and it is needlessly mean to exploit this sensitivity. In fact, you might explain to the kids how their behavior embarrasses you, and they in turn might work harder at getting along and acting appropriately.

Kids will be happier on family vacations if they have snacks, drinks, and entertainment. Few kids enjoy a long ride in the car! Try to provide individual CD players or hand-held video games, and don't forget to take plenty of bathroom stops. Sometimes kids enjoy the ride more if they can help you follow the map. This is an educational activity for them as well. By following these suggestions, your family holidays can make a happy memory.

Federalism is a legal and political concept suggesting that law is best made in a twofold relationship: centrally and locally. Operative in many nations around the world under many different guises, federalism is centred on the principle that locality is key to effective governance. It holds that by making laws at a local level, the legislators can take advantage of local knowledge and opinion, whilst also lightening the load centrally for governance on the wider ranging issues. This is not only bureaucratically significant, but also politically in the sense that those in power through the majority of local areas will surely assume power overall, thus creating fairer representation. Ultimately, in theory, federalism satisfies the will of the people more accurately than a purely central system of governance, which is one of the many reasons it has become so popular in recent years. In this article, we will discuss the main advantages of federalism as a legal order, and look at the main reasons for its growing popularity and strength across the world.

The first argument put forward for a federalist legal order is that a central government is too cumbersome when it comes to legislating over region specific matters. Take the United Kingdom, for an example. The UK government in London was often required to legislate on agricultural and fisheries matters that related to issues over 1,000 miles away in the North of Scotland. In this scenario, it would be unrealistic to expect the central government to have the requisite local knowledge and understanding required to make an effective decision for the prosperity of the region. In this sense, it is argued that a federalist legal order is more desirable, on the basis of making 'small time' decisions that affect specific localities with which it is acquainted. This has proven to be one of the strongest features of the federalist system, which largely relates to local people and their specific needs, and engages in political and legal decision making 'closer to home'.

Another very strong argument in favour of federalism is the fairer representation afforded by local and regional government. Again, the UK provides a fine example of how this would work in practice. Broadly speaking, the UK is divided into a left wing political party (Labour) and a right wing political party (Conservative). The Conservative party have a strong hold over the South East of England, which makes up a sizeable proportion of the population although covers limited geography. Labour have a traditional stronghold in Scotland which accounts for one third of the land mass but only one tenth of the population. In this sense, federalism would provide a fairer system of representation by allowing regional governance that could account more easily for local tastes and opinions and provide an altogether more representative picture of the nations political favour.

On top of these reasons, federalism lightens the load as respects central parliamentary time, freeing up national level politicians to consider more strategic rather than operational matters. This frees up resources and streamlines the process overall, although it does bring with it the complexities of an additional layer of authority. However, provided the legal system is well structured and defined in a codified form, federalism can make for more efficient governance and an overall fairer political and legal system, as well as bringing a host of other governmental and internal benefits to the table.

Federalism has grown in popularity over the last century or so, and this is largely down to its particular successes throughout the world. Much the creation of academic thinking and commentary, federalism brings about a system of governance that keeps the people happy, promotes local affairs, and leads to significantly more favourable governance nationwide. For these reasons, it is quickly becoming the favoured method of government worldwide, and has been adopted in centralist countries and larger regions alike to promote and maintain the diversity necessary for effective regulation at a national level.

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